
Infuse Life Program for Emotional Distress/Depression

Over the years Depression has become an increasingly growing disorder. Along with contributing physical factors, we are learning more and more about the environmental impact on our mental and emotional well-being. Our Infuse Life Program will repair and regulate the immune system, reduce inflammation and restore the vitality of your mental health.

Fatigue & Stress

If you’ve ever experienced fatigue and stress you know that it’s in a different league than being tired and overworked. In fact, over time living in a constant state of fatigue and an endless cycle of stress could manifest into additional health issues. To determine the most effective recourse and treatment our Infused Life Fatigue and Stress method seeks to pinpoint the source before settling on a program.

To do this we first need to find out how your body reacts to stress and what may be the cause of fatigue. We will conduct various lab tests to analyze hormone and neurotransmitter levels, oxygen, nutrients, waste elimination and nervous system. We’ll also examine your diet for allergenic factors and nutritional deficiencies.

The results will then lead us to the Infuse Life therapies that work best for your health and lifestyle. The treatments may employ acupuncture, IV therapy, Ozone therapy, nutritional planning or whatever program best addresses how you feel.

Good Mood IV


You want to feel calm and happy with life; content but also focused, right? For that you’ll need the help of your neurotransmitters.

What are neurotransmitters? They are molecules that constantly convey messages between our nerve cells.

This IV was designed to help you attain optimal neurotransmitter function. It provides important B vitamins which play key roles in the formation and breakdown of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine as well as vitamin C which helps produce norepinephrine. To help maintain a calm focus, GPC is added to the mix. And magnesium and taurine will help you stay mellow and relaxed. 


Glycerophosphocholine (GPC also known at Apha-GPC) is a very well studied naturally occurring compound which is part of every cell as well as mother’s milk. It is a precursor to acetylcholine (Ach) and it crosses the “blood brain barrier”—in other words it can work in the brain itself to increase levels of acetylcholine almost immediately.

This is important because Ach is a key player in your autonomic nervous system the part that governs unconscious activities like heart rate, breathing, bowel, kidney and bladder function and even muscle contraction. In the brain Ach pathways also control arousal, plasticity of the brain, reward, sensory perception, and sustained attention. This neurotransmitter has also been shown to promote REM sleep (2). Damage to the cholinergic (acetylcholine-producing) system in the brain has been shown to be associated with the memory deficits seen in Alzheimer’s disease (1). Maintaining healthy levels of Ach is thus very beneficial for the overall healthy functioning of the entire body especially the brain and getting enough GPC helps you do just that.

Other neurotransmitters involved in reward, cravings, pleasure, energy and attention are serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Vitamin C is important in the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine. The manufacture and breakdown of these neurotransmitters also depends on methylation and energy production. Most of the B-vitamins but especially B2, B6 and B12 play a crucial role in both the production of energy in the TCA cycle and in the methylation cycle.

Taurine is classified by many as an amino acid, although, it is technically not one of the 22 amino acid building blocks of protein. It has a very broad role in the body. For example it helps with bile acid conjugation, membrane stabilization, inhibitory neurotransmission (think anti-anxiety) and neuro-protection. In one study taurine was shown to decrease the impulse to drink alcohol. (3) It also plays a role as an antioxidant, blood pressure regulator and in the regulation of dangerous cholesterol particles involved in atherosclerosis.

Magnesium is a mineral with a wide variety of functions. It participates in over 300 metabolic reactions. It is a key element in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin. It also causes immediate muscle relaxation. When you experience anything that’s tight or stiff—including your mood—it’s likely low levels of magnesium are a contributing factor.


  1. Francis PT, Palmer AM, Snape M, Wilcock GK. The cholinergic hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease: a review of progress. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 66(2), 137-147.
  2. Platt B, Riedel G. The cholinergic system, EEG and sleep. Behavioural brain research, 221(2), 499-504.
  3. Olive, MF. Interactions between taurine and ethanol in the central nervous system. Amino acids, 23(4), 345-357.
  4. Slattery J, Kumar N, Delhey L, Berk M, Dean O, Spielholz C, Frye R. Clinical trials of N-acetylcysteine in psychiatry and neurology: A systematic review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.

Glutathione IV


If you could enhance your energy, eliminate ugly skin blemishes, and protect your body from “rusting” with one simple treatment, wouldn’t you?

Of course. It’s a no brainer.

The good news is that you can do precisely this by enhancing your levels of glutathione (GSH)—the body’s “master antioxidant”. This super molecule neutralizes free-radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS), compounds that lead to a condition called oxidation or oxidative stress—basically your body’s form of rust. You can easily see this “rusting” damage if you have skin blemishes, but it can also be present invisibly in the rest of your body internally.

In ideal conditions the glutathione your body makes will help eliminate noxious molecules like free radicals and ROS without any problem. However, few of us are living in ideal conditions. Nutrient poor diets, excessive stress, too little exercise (or too much), toxic exposures, chronic illness and more drain our glutathione reserves. Replete your levels, optimize your health, protect your skin, and boost your energy with this IV.


Glutathione (GSH)


If you remember high school chemistry, you’ll recall that oxidation is the process that rusts iron and turns apples brown. The same thing happens in your body. As your mitochondria—the little powerhouses in your cells—use oxygen to create energy they produce a form of exhaust: free radicals and ROS that can damage your health.

If left unattended, these compounds can be extremely problematic as they may damage DNA and proteins, alter the function of your cell membranes, lead to cellular mutations, and they are especially taxing for your mitochondria which means when your system is overrun with free radicals and ROS your energy will plummet and health complications will ensue.

Evidence also suggests oxidative stress may contribute to chronic illness like cancer or heart disease.

Optimal levels of glutathione readily address these issues, so it’s easy to see why having enough is crucial.

But the importance of this master antioxidant doesn’t end there. It is also essential for detoxification. GSH attaches to substances like heavy metals and xenobiotics—molecules that need to be excreted—forming “conjugates” that make them easier to be eliminated. The conjugates are then excreted from the cell and eliminated by the liver into bile and the kidneys into urine.

Glutathione also takes part in the citric acid cycle, is important in the generation of cellular energy, and so much more. Suffice it to say, it’s one of your body’s most essential compounds and many of us don’t have enough.

This IV will replete your glutathione levels and may be especially beneficial in high stress states such as chronic illness, and when you suffer from autoimmune or neuro-inflammatory conditions like Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

As usual we recommend laboratory testing to get an accurate picture of your cellular antioxidant levels—glutathione in particular—so we can tailor treatment to your exact metabolic needs.

Glutathione (GSH): Glutathione along with the enzyme superoxide dismutase are the body’s “master” antioxidants. Glutathione is made up of three amino acids: glutamine, cysteine and glycine and has a sulfuric smell. In some individuals who are very sensitive to sulfuric compounds, glutathione administration should be administered very slowly and in smaller amounts with an initial test dose. However, most people can handle glutathione injections quite easily. Here are some of the indispensable functions of this crucial compound:(1-2)

  • It neutralizes reactive oxygen species (ROS) which cause damage to cell membranes, DNA and proteins in the cell.
  • It inactivates reactive nitrogen species (RNS) which cause damage to mitochondria and inhibit DNA synthesis.
  • It deactivates dietary oxidants (from fried foods, for example).
  • It conjugates and transforms cancer-causing xenobiotics into less toxic molecules which can be eliminated.
  • It regulates cell death (apoptosis) which is much more likely to happen when glutathione levels are low.
  • It regulates gene expression and may prevent the mutations leading to cancer cells.
  • It is used up and is deficient in a wide variety of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases (such as Crohn’s) and neuro-degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis.

Inside each cell, glutathione fluctuates rapidly between the reduced (active) and the oxidated (inactive-GSSG) forms. In a 1997 study (3) of critically ill ICU patients it was shown that the ICU patients had about 60% lower levels of total and reduced (active) glutathione levels than a control group of patients.

In fact, the actual stress on the cells in our bodies can be measured by the comparing the ratio of reduced (active) to oxidized (inactive) glutathione (4).

How well we can use glutathione as individuals also depends on our cell’s ability to generate active glutathione and kick the used oxidized (inactive) glutathione out of cells and back into circulation.

Simply put, glutathione is one of the most important molecules in our bodies, and levels decrease as we age and battle illness.


  1. Jefferies H, Coster J, Khalil A, Bot J, McCauley RD, Hall JC. Glutathione. ANZ J Surg. 2003 Jul;73(7):517-22.
  2. Franco R, Schoneveld OJ, Pappa A, Panayiotidis MI. The central role of glutathione in the pathophysiology of human diseases. Arch Physiol Biochem. 2007 Oct-Dec;113(4-5):234-58.
  3. Hammarqvist, F, Luo, J.L, Cotgreave, I.A, Andersson, K.,, Wernerman, J. Skeletal muscle glutathione is depleted in critically ill patients. Critical care medicine, 25(1), 78-84.
  4. Wernerman, J, Luo, J.L, Hammarqvist, F. Glutathione status in critically-ill patients: possibility of modulation by antioxidants. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 58(03), 677-680. 

We provide valuation services for securities or financial instruments. Valuations & Modelling can be undertaken for various purposes including regulatory requirements, ESOP calculations, accounting, fundraising activities, potential M&A activities. 

We also help you get started in your fund-raising journey by assisting you in preparing pitch decks, Investment Memorandums, Financial models and Revenue projections, and Fund flow analysis. 

Our team of CAs, MBAs, and CFAs are well-versed with the requirements of investors and provide first-class advisory services for your fund-raising activities. 

Our services include:

  • Valuations & Modelling
  • Pitch deck preparation
  • Preparation of Shareholder Agreements
  • Transaction advisory support
  • Fund requirements and utilization analysis

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